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Click to view full post: Wednesday Whereabouts

Click to view full post: English Garden Cocktail + School Starts Back Soon

Click to view full post: Top 10 Fall Essentials Your Closet Needs

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‘Having a Baby’ Hospital Checklist
No, don’t be alarmed. I’m not having another baby. I had a reader who is 30 weeks pregnant ask me if I could make a checklist for her, since I’ve had some experience in that department. Thankfully, I was induced with each of mine so I was able to schedule my delivery dates which made packing easier. For those curious, I was hooked up to pitocin to start contractions each time and had epidurals with all four. Each experience was very different and surprisingly Wheeler’s was the smoothest. I was more than blessed to have my regular ob-gyn deliver all four…and for one of their births he delivered when he wasn’t even on call that day.
If any of you have had more than one you’d probably agree with me that the first time around you always pack way too much. I remember packing books, magazines, clothes for if the room was cold, warm, way too many clothes, too many clothing options for the baby, etc. The next few times it was a lot easier because I made my packing list simple. Also, we live within a mile of our hospital, so if I forgot anything Lanier could always go back and get it.
The main thing to remember is Comfort is Key.
I wore my robe the entire time I was at the hospital, but I know everyone is different here. I packed two of my comfiest pairs of sweatpants, and wore them under my robe. Some bring clothes/pajamas. Whatever it is, just make sure it’s comfortable and easy to pull on and off.
Bedroom Slippers
I own these, and would highly recommend them.
Flip Flops
For the shower. I love this rose gold color.
The hospital has pillows available. But in my opinion, at least at our hospital, they’re a little flat. And you always need more than one. If you’re assigned a good nurse, she’ll help you stockpile some pillows if you need more. But I learned to make it easier, and just brought my own.
TMI, but make sure they’re boy shorts or bikini, something with a lot of coverage…and comfortable.
Two Newborn Going-Home Outfits
I say two, so you have options, in case one doesn’t fit, or the baby spits up on it as soon as you dress him/her. Don’t pack more than that. And remember, whatever you dress him/her in, they still have to fit in their carseat with it on. I know friends that have outfits for their baby during their hospital stay, but I think it’s just easier to let them wear whatever the hospital provides.
Soothies are the ones most hospitals use. Have an extra one on hand as a last resort, especially for the car ride home if the baby gets fussy.
I would say bring a notebook, book, etc., but honestly I just used my iPhone if I wanted to jot down any thoughts or notes.
Nursing Bras and Nursing Pads
To prevent leaks, I used these. As for nursing bras, I loved the soft knit ones, that were a sports bra style, like this one.
iPads, Laptops, or DVDs
While there may be some shows on the local hospital cable, you’re probably going to want to watch something else.
Keep it simple. If you’re up to it, bring make-up, but I’m guessing that will be the last thing on your mind. Hair dryers and a brush are good. Some hospitals provide hair dryers, but I still brought my own.
For marking down your next appointments at the pediatrician, unless you record your appointments on your phone.
Car Seat
Make sure it’s correctly installed, before you leave the hospital. We used this travel system for all four.
For Pet Owners
If you have a pet at home, please do this before bringing your child into your home. Whatever hat the baby wears during the hospital stay, take it off the baby, bring it in your house when you get home, and have your pet smell it to pick up on the new scent. That way your pet is prepared for the new scent (aka the new baby) once you walk in the house with him/her. It’s worked like a charm with Boozer and all four of our children.
Honestly, whatever you pack, forget to pack, pack too much of, it’s not really going to matter. You just had a BABY! The most amazing miracle in the world!! And a moment in time you will never ever forget!
If I’ve forgotten anything that you swear by, I would love to hear it!
I hope y’all had a great weekend! We spent most of our time on the water, aside from when Lanier accidentally backed my car into a tree in our driveway yesterday. The back window completely shattered. Thankfully, the only thing I lost was my tennis bag. It’s like the glass sprayed into the inside of it. Oh well, at least I get to order a new tennis bag, even though I loved the one I had. I’ll be sharing more of our week on this week’s Wednesday Whereabouts, so stay tuned!
I hope y’all have a great start to your week! We’re off to a day at the beach…in our rental car today. The kids love when we drive rentals, cheap thrills!
I love, and genuinely appreciate (as a CPST) that you mentioned to have car seats correctly installed before leaving the hospital. Here is a link that your readers can use to find a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) in their area. Definitely a great resource for parents that are about to have their first, or adding their third, fourth or fifth child to their family. Many parents are often shocked about what they learn when they see a tech.
Thanks so much!
My must pack is an extension cord for charging your phone. Normal chargers won’t reach around the hospital bed. I found I was using my phone a ton to take pictures etc.
That’s so smart! Thanks!