Last Thursday, the girls and I had a fun evening out. Love when we have some time to hang out!
This past weekend, we headed out of town to visit family. The cousins all had a great time hanging out! Believe or not, Effie was pulling these two in the wagon!
All aboard! Even more impressive? Wheeler took this pic!
They all wanted to feel the cold water!
Seriously unreal view.
On Sunday, we visited Lanier’s grandmother. She’s 100!
Sang her songs and gave her lots of loving.
Even Vaughn happily obliged this time. Last time he screamed and wouldn’t go near her.
Love Vaughn’s little face here.
The children always have a wonderful time in Lanier’s other grandmother’s backyard…especially helping her pick up pine cones and sticks.
In their element, climbing trees.
Vaughn loved getting to walk on the “highway.”
Taking a breather.
Logan helping his Poppy pick up sticks. He could’ve done this all day!
With deer season over and it being too dark for skeet shooting, Lanier decided we should go coyote hunting on Sunday night. I swear we were on an episode of The Walking Dead. For some reason, I thought we’d at least be in a blind or up in the back of the pickup truck bed. Boy was I wrong. Lanier had four chair lined up on the ground, Lanier and his dad sat in the outer chairs with their guns, while my sister-in-law and I sat in the middle chairs holding a red flashlight. I guess coyotes are attracted to red light? Who knows. So we basically panned back and forth on a long trail, awaiting a coyote to come into view. We did this for over a little over an hour, but didn’t have any visitors. Thankfully!
It was a clear and FREEZING night that night. // Scarf (only $14.99)
Since we had no luck, we drank wine and used an app called Night Sky to see all the stars on such a clear night in the woods. It was fun identifying which constellations they were.
Poor guy was worn out!
Saying goodbye to Lanier’s grandmother. They did not want to leave…
Lanier had a work meeting the next morning, so he stayed for one more night there. I took the kids home (4 hour drive). Everyone napped for about an hour in the car…all, except Logan.
Since everyone napped in the car, and we had some time to kill before dinner and bedtimes, we decided to go for a stroll when we got home. The weather has been unbelievable here lately!
And even more fun? Last night, Wheeler and I had a little special date all to ourselves! A milkshake included.
All in all, we had a wonderful trip with the BEST weather! This photo above pretty much sums it up!
Happy Wednesday!
Aww, I love the pictures with Lanier's grandmother. I wish my grandparents had lived to meet my kids. I always tell my kids how lucky they are to spend so much time with their own grandparents 🙂 Your children will definitely treasure pictures like that when they get older!
It looks like a great trip! And lucky you to have most of the kids fall asleep for an hour on the way home! That picture with the water and the clouds in the sky is unreal!