Wednesday Whereabouts: Better Late Than Never…

I know I mentioned on Friday that I had a surprise for y’all…well, after much (long-awaited) anticipation…
…we welcomed into the world a healthy baby BOY today!

Baby V was born at 4:30am this morning, weighing in at 8lbs, 7oz.  It’s been a wonderful nine months carrying “Mater” (the girls’ nickname for Baby #4-to-be), and we’re so glad he’s finally here!  You know I’ll be posting a lot more pics soon, but he’s got a head full of dark hair!

Photo Credit: 1, 2

44 thoughts on “Wednesday Whereabouts: Better Late Than Never…

  1. what?!!! you were preg!?! what a cutie!! bet you have some excited little ones to welcome him home! congrats to you + the fam!

  2. Congrats on your newest little bundle! Could not even notice you were pregnant in any pictures, in other words you look amazing of course!

  3. Congratulations! He is precious!! I am glad I was sitting down. How do you keep these secrets? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. That is crazy! You do not look even a bit pregnant in any of the pictures! Definitely never would have guessed with all the drink recipes. Congrats. Now I really wonder how you have found the time to blog with 3 little ones and being pregnant. Wow!

  5. Congratulations! I ditto the other girls- you never looked pregnant at all! All of your kids are so beautiful; I'm sure Little V will be too.

  6. Oh my, wow, how do you keep your secret each time?! And please do share with us how you dress so adorable while pg! Oh and how in the world you handle 4 under the age of 4-super mom! Congrats to you and your family.

  7. Wow! You are so great with your secrets! My daughter is a week old today so I'm even more excited for you! I bet your girls are thrilled!

  8. You look amazing after just having him!! And what a cutie!! I can't wait to see him in person. If you need anything please let me know.

  9. CONGRATS! I'm totally astounded and jealous! You look amazing in every picture you've posted throughout the year. I want to look like you when I'm pregnant again. 2 boys and 2 girls, what a treat. Enjoy every moment.

  10. You are a stellar secret keeper! All I can say is congratulations and I hope that I look as flawless as your when I have a baby!! Congrats and blessings to your sweet family.

  11. Oh my goodness, congratulations girly! I can't believe it you are the best at keeping secrets! I like everyone else am totally jealous of how skinny you stay while pg – ha! Two boys two girls, oh my oh my – what a blessing from heaven! So happy for ya'll! Enjoy every moment and God Bless!! xoxooxxo

  12. Congratulations! Oh–and you're completely forgiven for not announcing it on Monday, as intended ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm in awe that you were able to keep it such a secret–I would've been whining like crazy ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. A huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I remember you had baby L last year a couple weeks before I had my baby Layne. I also remember being so shocked because I had no idea you were pregnant! I can't believe you surprised me again!!!!! So happy for you and your family! Enjoy!

  14. congratulations on another baby tar heel!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ i had to go back and look at recent pictures of you, and you couldn't even tell! way to look amazing and keep such a great secret. congrats to the whole family!

  15. I am so glad I wasn't the only one who is shocked that you were even pregnant!! I thought I had been a bad blog follower and missed out on it all together but what a great surprise!!!! Congratulations on your new addition!

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