Nothing compares to spring time in Charleston! While it’s always short-lived, we try to take advantage of the cooler temps while we can. This dress in this print has sold out, but it’s still available in the same style in this print. Boys’ Shirts // Sunnies // Jacket (similar here)
Downtown, every window box is overflowing with the prettiest floral arrangements.
My girlfriends and I went to see Steel Magnolias at Dockstreet Theater last week and y’all, it was fabulous! The acting talent had us all in tears by the end! I had lots of y’all ask about my necklace. It’s by Twine & Twig and I’ve had it a few years now. // Top // Shorts // Wedges (similar here) // Crossbody
On Friday morning, I headed back in for another treatment of laser hair removal on my legs and underarms at Coastal Skin Solutions. I’ve only been a few times so far and I swear I haven’t had to shave my underarms but maybe once a week. Totally worth it! I only have a few more visits and it should be gone for good! Hallelujah!
The kids had a half-day on Friday to start off their Spring Break, so we headed over to HomeTeam on Sullivan’s for some special treats to celebrate!
After returning from the Bahamas the day before, I was so excited to spend time with my crew!
Republic for ice cream!
Wore this top on Friday. The Tarheels played that night so I had to cheer them on in our team color!
Pink and green have always been two of my favorite colors together. I guess that’s the prep in me. Add avocados on comfy pjs and I was sold!
We went over to a cook-out on Saturday night and Lanier fixed these ribs. I picked up some Red Clay Hot Sauces during the Wine & Food Festival so we were excited to try them out. The Hot Honey was a hit!
Such a fun night! Wore this comfy striped top that’s now on sale with code: POPUP.
Signed up to give blood early Sunday morning. I used to be a VIP blood donor in college because I gave at least four times a year. Then I had a bout of anemia so I had to stop giving for a little while. I forgot how much it takes out of you, so after church I spent most of the day resting.
Thankfully, it was a gorgeous day so some time chilling in our driveway while the kids played did the trick.
Wheeler has been insisting on getting her hair cut short. I don’t think she wants it cut too short, but I told her if she wanted to go through with it that she needed to give me a list of reasons. Well, after about five minutes tops, she came out with this list. Cracking up at some of them! Needless to say, she made her point very well.
With the weather changing, it’s time for rosé season. And these are two of my absolute faves!
You will most definitely see me toting this bag around all season long. Love the fun, summery print!
I’ll also be carrying this weekender bag with me on our next trip!
Happy Thursday, Y’all!
I hope you let her cut her hair. It’s important to give her agency at this age and she made a thoughtful list showing that it is something she really wants. My 10 year old recently made the same request. I let her do it and am glad that I did. This is the time to let them spread their wings a little with fashion and personal appearance choices. Plus, it’s hair….it will grow back. It’s a good way to see consequences of your choices in a pretty tame way too.
Completely agree. And it’s just hair, it’ll grow back if she doesn’t like it.