I spent most of my relaxing evening watching the Olympics and changing my blog font. If you have a blog, and want to change your font, go to Kevin and Amanda’s Blog. I just found their blog by googling them, and they have a fantastic tutorial on how to do it. The fun font I used was called Mr. and Mrs. Popsicle. It was a hard decision. They have so many creative ones to choose from. Good luck!
Tomorrow I’ll post pics from the wedding shower I threw today, for one of my best friends, and maybe my header font will be different by then too!
It was a beautiful day in Charlotte today! We took advantage of the beautiful weather and went outside a lot. W loved getting out FINALLY, and loved playing at the park. We’re hoping that tomorrow will be just as nice!
jealous of your nice weather… we still have snow, and are getting more this week.
we also own a boston… they are the best! 🙂