Wednesday Whereabouts: An Outfit for Now…and Later + Giveaway Winner Announced

I hope y’all are having a great week!  This cold weather is really starting to wear on me.  Where is Spring?  We keep getting fooled here with a super warm weather day, but then it quickly goes away, and the frigid cold comes back.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful to have a warm day every once in awhile, but I just want it stay for good.  And mark my words, even in the high 90’s this summer, I will never ever ever wish for cold weather.  I’m so ready to store all these layers for good, and hit up the pool everyday!
Alright, now that I’ve finished venting, I thought I’d put together an outfit that you could wear now, and then show you how it could work, on into Spring.  Enjoy!


The winner of The Frilly Frog $100 Gift Card is…
She commented:
Congratulations!  Email me at sweetsouthernprep at gmail within the next 24 hours, and I’ll send you the details, otherwise I’ll have to choose a new winner.
Thanks again for all of you who entered, and thanks for your continued readership!

Happy Wednesday, Y’all!

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