Tuesday Trends: SSP Celebrates One Year!

I totally missed it!  I actually celebrated starting my blog a year ago, back on February 12th.  I’ve loved every moment of it, all 335 posts worth.  As always, thanks for reading!  If you care to read my very post, click here.  In the meantime, don’t forget to enter my giveaway, it ends tomorrow at midnight!

Off to enjoy another beautiful day, before the rains arrives later this week!  Pictures to come soon of the girls, and their fun times outside.  Hope y’all have a wonderful Tuesday!

Here are a couple of fun photos from the last couple of weeks…

Meeting their friend Emmie

Crazy Baby!
W’s Daddy brought her sunflowers because she was so brave at the doctor.
She didn’t cry at all!  We were so proud of her.
Hugging her flowers.  She was so proud of them, and felt so special!

Sister #6 stopped by for a visit, while in town.  Lots of lovin’, from the ENTIRE family!
Photo Credit: 1

20 thoughts on “Tuesday Trends: SSP Celebrates One Year!

  1. Happy Anniversary! I had no idea you've only been at it for a year. You've got it so together, I thought you had been doing this for a long time. Keep up the good work!

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