Happy Thursday, Y’all! The girls and I are headed to the pool with friends today, and we can’t wait! It seems like FOREVER since we’ve seen them, and I cannot wait to relax and catch-up, while we let the kiddos swim. Wish we could have these cocktails by our side, while enjoying the water, sun and socializing!
A perfect pink and green drink for Trish’s Pink and Green Thursday!
After last week’s beach trip, I decided I did a poor job of taking pictures. But while we were there, all of my sisters had their cameras and snapped away. Now, I’m just waiting to get their pics, so I can share them with you. I did manage to bring my camera to Spartanburg yesterday, though, and took some great photos of the girls. They’re growing like weeds!
E, with her great-grandmother, and namesake.
E, and her mischievous face. What a goose!
Two of my sisters came along with me for the ride, squeezing in my mom Mercedes SUV, yes all six of us!
They’re troopers, taking turns squeezing into the middle of the car seats, and one in the way back.
Can you guess what W is doing here?
She recently has been on a Finding Nemo-watching streak, and loves when Dory talks “whale.”
HELP! Can any of my Lilly-loving friends identify the print on W’s dress??
A reader emailed me about it yesterday, from a post way back, and I have no idea of the name.
I got her dress at a consignment sale last year, and it didn’t have tags, so I have no idea!
Thanks in advance for your help!
My cousin and his wife came to visit my grandparents too.
Here is his sweet son (will be in first grade in the fall) with E.
My cousin’s daughter did not want her photo taken. She and W are both 3.
Funny, that’s usually how W is, and she was fine with it that day.
W was showing H how to sweep the floor with her cool broom.
We had a great visit, and hope to go back soon!
My grandmother especially loves it, since she can’t get out of the house anymore,
but it’s a great excuse for us to come to them! My mom and her two sisters were there, as well.
Lilly Pulitzer will be on Rue La La tomorrow at 11am, sharp. Click here for your free invitation. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to be online right when it starts, I’ve got errands to run, but will check in as soon as the girls go down for naps. Let me know what you score!! P.S. I have the Shauna dress featured above, got it when it came out last year, and LOVE it!
Happy Shopping, Ladies!
I never get over how cute your girls are!!
Look at them! They are getting so big! And the hair is getting long! I finally lopped Lallie's off, I couldn't take it anymore 🙁
I need, need, need, that cocktail now. 😉
The last photo is hilarious! We hae a few of those floating around. The kids are adorable and that drink sounds delicious!
Love all of the family photos! I think today's cocktail would be right up my alley. I am hoping I find one or two little things tomorrow on RLL, but I did some major damage already on fall stuff, so I won't be too disappointed if I don't find much. 😉