For this week’s cocktail, I was on the hunt to find one that had champagne as a mixer. Well, I found one, and I am so making these this weekend!
Spiced Apple Cider Champagne Cocktail
(serves 2; found it here)
2oz Tennessee Cider (you can sub apple brandy)
2oz Fresh Apple Cider
3-4oz Chilled Champagne
Pour the Tennessee Cider into the bottom of each glass.
Add the champagne.
Top with a splash of the fresh apple cider.
My girlfriend and I have a running playdate every Wednesday. It gives her daughter and Vaughn some time to hang out, while we catch up too. Yesterday, I had to grab her up and get a photo! Look at her sweet little bear vest from H&M. It isn’t available online, but here’s a similar one. Her little pink boots are pretty cute too!
Fringe Boots // Leggings (25% off with code: TGIFALL) // Striped Top (almost sold out, similar here) // Vest // Sunglasses (old, similar here)
Logan’s teacher snapped these pics of him at school yesterday. Loved seeing him at play! It also makes me realize how much he is growing. He looks so old in these photos!!
I purchased a dip-dyed stool last week during Serena & Lily’s Friends & Family Sale. It came in yesterday, and I LOVE it! I was so thrilled with it that I went back to see if they had more in their Fall Sale going on right now. They don’t have the white ones on sale, but they have the citrine ones which I love just as much. So I ordered one. I also ordered these sheets, these bath mats and these pajamas for the girls. Great stuff available during their sale right now! Also shown: My Marc by Marc Jacobs Cat-Eye Sunglasses are being price-matched right now. And my scarf is only $16.99 with free shipping!
Y’all, it’s 41 degrees here this morning! I guess that’s a good excuse to throw on this new jacket!
Tory Burch’s Private Sale started today! Check it out here!
I know some of you have asked which tote this is. Well, it’s been sold out for awhile, but it’s back and available during the Private Sale. I know it won’t last long, so if you want it, order it soon!
Lanier wore this same Jon-Jon when he was little.
Vaughn is turning 2 today! Still can’t believe it! My baby. Vaughn has the sweetest, kindest heart, although being the fourth he has learned to start fending for himself. In the last few weeks, he’s learned the word, “mine” which he says to Logan often, if Logan tries to take his toy he’s playing with. When he does get frustrated, it’s usually because I can’t understand what he’s saying. He loves to laugh. His favorite thing to do is say “giggle” which means he wants you to tickle him. Vaughn loves to run a little bit away from me and wait for me to say “Vaughn! Vaughn!” and then he laughs and comes running back. He loves his trucks and trains as much as his brother. Well, really he loves anything his brother does…except when he takes his toys. Because the boys are only thirteen months apart, Vaughn and Logan are obviously very close.
Since Vaughn isn’t in school yet, Logan is really his only playmate. But I like it that way. Logan teaches him a lot. As for the girls, they love their brothers. Because Vaughn is still so little, they love taking care of him. If he’s fussy, they’re the ones trying to decipher what he wants.
Effie “pretends” to read to him. He’ll bring her books and she’ll sit patiently and read them to him, sometimes even letting him sit in her lap. Vaughn loves books. If he could sit for the entire day and continue to give you books to read, he’d be the happiest baby. His likeness toward toward animals is the cutest thing ever. While he can’t tell you a color or identify a letter of the alphabet, he can sure tell you every single animal, and what noise it makes. If he sees a dog, a bird, even a squirrel, he wants to go and pet it. None of my other children were ever this fond of animals like Vaughn is at this age. At night, he sleeps with his stuffed animal dogs (about five of them) and he calls them his “dowgees.” Lanier always reads him a few stories. He still lets me rock and sing to him at night, and I hope that never ever changes. Before I put him in his crib he always pushes my nose and waits for me to say “Honk!” and then pats the side of my face and whispers “Gentle. Gentle” a thing we’ve done since he was little. After kissing his sweet face about a thousand times and a million “I love you’s”, I put him in his crib for bed.
Vaughn loves his daddy. Wants to follow him everywhere. If he could ride with him in his pick-up truck all the time, he would. Sometimes all he wants is his daddy. It doesn’t bother me in the least, because I want him to have that strong bond with him.
It’s crazy to me to think that Vaughn is 2 now! My babies are all growing up way too fast. To think that I won’t have a child where I’ll have to refer to their age in months is kind of sad. But I know that’s life, and I’m cherishing every single stage. I’m very thankful that Vaughn is home with me, so we can spend some time with just us together, while we can. I know he needs to socialize more, but there’s the 2’s preschool next Fall for that. He’s learning to socialize having his siblings around him most of the time. For now though, Vaughn, my fourth, my baby, who will always be my baby, is here with me. One day I’ll learn to share him, but right now while I have a choice, he’s all mine. And sweet Vaughn, the family can’t wait to celebrate him all day today!
Happy Thursday, Y’all!
What a sweet post about Vaughn! He is really adorable. Hope he has a great birthday!
Happy birthday Vaughn!! What a sweetheart! I love that picture of the 4 of them laying together-you're one lucky mama!
Perfect fall cocktail! I always love seeing pics of the sweet little ones.
The Doctor Diva
Man o man I want the TB tote lol! Love your blog.
What a sweet little birthday boy.