This is Logan’s first season playing flag football and he has loved it so much!

My friend Alicia and I have known each other since first grade! It’s just so fun watching our kids grow up together here. The kids loved running around at Holy City Brewing last week and the beer and food was delicious too!

I’m so excited for my friend, Melissa! She was in town from Charlotte and is expecting a sweet little baby boy next month via a surrogate! Can’t wait to meet him!
We both enjoyed one of my favorite meals at Acme on Isle of Palms, the Fried Green Tomato Bowl which includes brussel sprouts, fried eggs and fried green tomatoes atop cheese grits. Yum!
I also met up with my good friends Caycee and Natalie one day last week at 167 Raw. Another favorite spot. Their oysters are delicious!
So is their crab dip!
And of course, I couldn’t turn down my go-to – the tuna burger!

Over the weekend, my friend Alden and I headed to the Carolina Music Festival in Myrtle Beach. Cannot even describe how much fun we had!
Jake Owen kicked it off on Thursday night! I’ve seen him before and he’s still just the best! We also watched Jordan Davis that played before him. The entire weekend called for on and off thunderstorms, but they never happened! So very lucky!
At the end of each night, they shot off fireworks coordinated with a song.

The next day, we tried to get in a little sun at the beach, but it was pretty overcast for most of the day, then got ready for Night #2!
Eric Church was awesome! He tried to break his curfew and continue playing after midnight, but sadly they pulled it shortly after.
The best late night meal I’ve had in awhile at Peaches Corner!
The next day we headed back to Charleston to see family and enjoyed some fun in the sun at the pool. We thankfully got it in before the storms and rain started around 6! How cute are their suits? Only $17!
And these trunks I got for the boys are only $12!
On Sunday night, we headed back for more!
We couldn’t pass up Luke Combs! I went to his concert in Charleston a few years ago and this one was just as amazing!!
An all-around awesome week! The kids would be out of school by now, but since they started late they have one more week! They’re so excited for it be summer break soon and so am I! Hope y’all have a great start to your week!