You can never go wrong with the always tried and true Nike Tempo Shorts. These are on sale right now at the Nike Store, for only $26 (plus, use code: GRANDSLAM to receive an extra 20% off, making them only $20!).
Have you tried Lululemon? I’m the first to admit I’ve never tried their line, yet. They do have a store close to me, at South Park, but I haven’t had a chance to get over there and try them out. I’m sure when I get in there, I’m going to be overwhelmed. Is there a great top or bottom (or BOTH) that I MUST-HAVE?
The Great Debate: I’ve always loved my Nike work-out apparel. Is Lululemon really that much better? Just trying to see if all the hype matches the quality of their products. It’s a lot of dough to shell out for work-out clothes, but if they’re really worth it, I’m all in!
I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend! Secretly wishing we were back at the beach, especially with all of the rain and cloudiness we’ve been experiencing this week. Here’s hoping the last day of school next Wednesday brings sunny skies and lots of pool time, from here on out!
Oh, and take one last second to VOTE for me! Today’s the LAST day of the Elizabeth McKay Photo Contest. While I don’t think I have a shot in the dark of producing over 600 votes before midnight tonight to win it, my goal is to make the top ten. Hope y’all can help me make it happen! Thanks again for those of you who have voted, and for all of your sweet comments on the voting page! Love my readers!!
I stick with Nike, Lulumon is just too expensive for it's purpose in my opinion. If it were my job, no problem, but just for a few workouts a week, not so much. I'd rather save that money for a new Lilly dress! 🙂
Lululemon is worth every penny, but only if you make sure it fits properly. I wear anything from a size 4 to a 10 in their items, so it's important to go to the store and have them fit you (it's the least they can do when you are spending $80 plus on yoga pants). I adore the Wunder Under Crops and Groove Crops, Pace Setter Skirts (in the TALL sizes only! I am only 5'2 and the regular sizes are way too short). The Cool Racerback is my favorite top for summer, and the Run Swiftly Longsleeve for cooler days. I don't like their shorts at all and stick with the Tempos. Have fun – it's easy to get addicted. Oh, also there is a great blog called Lululemon Addict that gives a good list of starter pieces for Lulyu newbies.
Wow! Thanks so much, Sarah, for your valuable input!
I started buying lululemon last summer after pretty much only wearing C9 from Target and sometimes Tempo shorts. The Wunder Under crops are a great basic, but I also love the Run:Inspire Crops. I have lots of tanks that are fun, but I think if you just want to start with the basics, I'd agree with Sarah that the Cool Racerback is the way to go. I do love the Turbo shorts for running. They're made of a 4-way stretch and feel so good to run in. Hope that helps!
I'm in the same boat as you. I love my Nike shorts! I have heard wonderful things about Luluemon but haven't taken the plunge and purchased anything. I'm sure if I had a store close then I would check it out and buy something. I hate ordering something new like that without being able to try it on first.
I do like Lulu's Run:speed shorts but have to order WAY up, they run small for me. That said, I only own one pair (thanks to that hefty price tag) and I don't like them much better than Nikes (though the back of the Lulu's has a cute tulip/leg design:)
Lulu Lemon is amazing and definitely worth every penny! Like Sarah said, make sure your pieces fit you properly! Most Lulu stores even do in-store hemming to ensure pants are the correct length. My favourite pieces are the Astro pants, Wunder Unders, and Run: Swiftly Tech tops (which come in both long and short-sleeve). For shorts, I love the Run: Speed shorts! They're super comfortable.
I have been voting for your daily since you entered… would love if you returned the favor 😉
I am all about Nike especially after reading numerous articles with the inside scoop on LuluLemon. Even though they have the best goods I just cannot support them after what I found out (Child labor, sexual discrimination, promoting drug use, etc).
It's been gloomy around here lately too..looked like a hurricane yesterday!
Hi! I've been voting for you in the contest and hope that you've been voting for me, too! It's a fun contest.
I need to get some workout gear to get me motivated for summer. Thanks for the suggestion.
I love love love Lululemon!
I have been to the Luluemon in South Park and as much as I think it is cute, I love Nike! I'm about to go buy these Norts.
Lululemon is SO worth it! They are expensive, they're the sort of thing that I sometimes save for those times when I really want to have a good long run. I love their classic "groove" pants, however they're not for running but more running errands and things. I agree with everyone else, the speed shorts are AMAZING and I have a pair of Wunder crops too, and those are perfect for running in more brisk days (or the morning)!
Nike shorts and Lululemon Wunder Under Pants are my FAVORITES. I don't know what I'd do without them!
Lulu is worth it for basics like leggings and yoga pants. I can't see why some random workout jacket is worth $150 though. Definitely go to the store and let them help you! The store in STL is a gold mine and always crowded!
I've heard good things about Lululemon but haven't tried them out yet–we recently got a store so I might have to check it out! Love that beach pic of the girls and your Elizabeth McKay pic!!
I agree with everyone else that going into the store is much better than ordering online for Lululemon. There are many more colors and choices in my store compared to online and there can be some sizing differences. I bought a few really cute pieces in a lace pattern that I haven't found online, but they both say "mesh" on the tag. I think the pace setter skirt is adorable, but the run: a marathon singlet is next on my list. 😉
I am a Nike Tempo short collector! I love them for lounging purposes and workout purposes. Personally, I just can't seem to spend upwards of $100 on things that I only wear when working out and things that I sweat in… But I haven't been in a store yet–who knows, that might change my mind!