Our Halloween

Halloween couldn’t have gone better!  The weather was awesome and everyone actually wore the costumes they picked out for Halloween!  I’d say that’s a big win in my book!  Even Lanier coordinated his shirt with his grey wolf mask.  When Wheeler said she wanted to be a witch, she took to the Accessories aisle at Walmart and had the best time picking out her whole costume.  I seriously may steal the whole look next year!  Logan was a Red Power Ranger and has never seen the show, ha.  Effie was Dizzy Tremaine from Descendants 2 and Vaughn was a skeleton with light-up eyes.  He’d been asking to be a skeleton since the day after Halloween last year, so it was an epic build-up when he finally got to don his long-awaited costume!

Wacky Wednesday!  And Logan had Book Character Day too.

I spent the morning enjoying all of the kids’ Halloween parties at school.  It’ll be a sad day when all of these holiday classroom parties end.  The look they always get when you walk into their classroom is the BEST!

Rocking her complete ensemble.

Nails too!

Love our hood!

The Mamas…

…with their spooky drinks.

Their favorite part.  Totaling and categorizing all of their treats!

The kids have their Color Blast Fun Run this Friday and have enjoyed all of their fun dress-up days leading up to it.  Tuesday was Pajama Day!  How cute is Effie’s?

I dressed up for Pajama Day too.  Ha!  Had some of you ask about this outfit.  The polka dot pjs are from last year, as are the slippers.  But this style is super cozy and comfy and I’ve loved wearing them for years and years.  Find my cozy quilted jacket here.  For fit, it’s true to size.  It’s a little longer too, which I love!

New cuts for the boys!

Taco Boy goodness!

If y’all have ever visited Taco Boy, you’ll know that you can’t miss the awesome tree that stands out front.  Well, to my surprise, on Tuesday it was gone!  They informed me that it was dead, so they had to cut it down!  Sad day!

All snuggled in, watching Milo (Zed from Zombies) perform on Dancing with the Stars.  I record it each week and play it back to let them see his performance.  Girls’ Gowns // Boys PJs are Roberta Roller Rabbit.

So if you’ve been reading awhile, you know that I rarely address comments, but today I thought it was necessary.  Please don’t think I take any rude comments to heart.  I’ve been at this for over 8 years and have heard everything.  Trust me.  And I usually ignore them, but today, I’m not sure why, but I couldn’t ignore this one.

A comment written after yesterday’s blog post…

You are so pretty but your hair color is terrible.  When you were a brunette you were stunning.  You look terrible as a blonde.  Look at your sisters.  That is who you should be.  Bless your heart at trying to be some thing you aren’t   Take the time to dye.  You will look better. Now you kook cheap.   You aren’t blonde and it is obvious.  Stop trying to look rich.  You look really bad.  Sorry but a real friend would tell you this.  Even dark blonde like Wheeler would be better.  Don’t do easy.  That’s what trailer trash does.  Strive to be better.  You are better than what you present.

-Terri St. Charles (nolaonmymind@gmail.com)

And my response…

Yes, I completely agree with you that all of my sisters’ hair is beyond beautiful.  And on top of that it’s all natural, but I unfortunately was gifted with white hair in the front and black hair in the back.  So I’ve been coloring my hair since about the age of 16.  Trust me, if I had it any other way I would love to be a brunette like them, and I tried for so long, coloring it often.  But after four kids and not enough time to color it as often, it got to be too much, where after only a week of coloring it the white hair would start coming through around my hairline and temples and it looked like I was balding in the front.  So unfortunately I knew that being blonde was easier maintenance than trying to keep up with the brunette hair that was in fact  NOT my natural hair color.  And it was so much healthier as a brunette too, but I simply just don’t have the time to color it that often any more.  And I’ve just learned to embrace it!

I’m so sorry that my hair is so important to you that you felt like you needed to say something.  “Trailer trash,” “bless your heart,” “you look really bad,” and “be better”?  Goodness, Terri.  Let’s build each other up not break each other down.

On another note, I hope y’all have an awesome Thursday!  Can’t even begin to believe it’s November!  I’m still cleaning out like crazy, and I know I asked about storage boxes.  I’ll let you know which ones I decided to use.  And hopefully, I’ll have a big reveal one of these days!  For now, I’ll just be trying to resist the mountains of candy in my pantry!

20 thoughts on “Our Halloween

  1. I am so sorry that you have to listen to such rude comments and I totally agree with you that we should be building each other up and not breaking each other down! I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you put into your blog and I enjoy reading it weekly!!!

  2. You continue to handle yourself with such grace and respect over the years. Cheers to women building up other women rather than tearing people down.

  3. Regarding the random unnecessary comment that was written about your hair – WTF!?! For the record – I LOVE the look – it suits you well. If I hadn’t of read the reasoning you color (which incidentally you didn’t even have to share but you did b/c you’re a honest person) I honestly would have just thought you have the best colorist ever b/c not only is the color spot on – it looks healthy! My dream hair – it’s truly stunning – keep it! And your background may help someone else in the same situation! Your kids are adorable, their and your clothing choices are impeccable – I come to your blog daily from Colorado to see the latest for ideas, inspiration and to soak in some Charleston vibes! Love your blog – I never comment but today I just had to! Keep doing you!

  4. You nailed your response! You’re kindness and good heart speaks louder than any negativity in the world. Keep doing you! Shine bright! You are awesome!!!!

  5. I don’t normally comment nor do I typically read the comments, but I just wanted to give you an encouraging word today. You are beautiful just the way you are! I enjoy stopping by from time to time to see if there are any fun things I should purchase for either myself or my kiddo. Thank you for all your hard work on your blog!

  6. Yikes! I think someone needs to find some inner peace! Also I love your hair blonde, I think it brings a lot of light to your face!

  7. What a classy response on your part to an unpleasant comment. FYI: your blog specifically says that “email address will not be published,” but you appear to have posted the email address of the person who left the unpleasant comment. Just thought you’d want to know 🙂

  8. I don’t usually leave a comment, but I read your blog everyday and look forward to it. I love to read about your family adventures. Keep doing what you are doing and overlook the “negative nelly’s”.

  9. I am really sorry you have to deal with such hurtful comments! I love reading your blog, and I look forward to it each day. You are a beautiful, classy lady, and I hope you never take any of these comments to heart.

  10. I think your hair looks fantastic (I thought it was darkish blonde – not that it matters)!! I am also blown away by how stylish you and your children always look, and how coordinated they all are. And your blog is great. Love it.

  11. Beauty is in the eye the beholder and unfortunately, that comment you received reflects some very deeply rooted insecurities. You handled it well and I hope those harsh words don’t consume another second of your time. You’re beautiful HEADto toe:)

  12. I’m sorry you have to deal with those kinds of comments. That went much further beyond “what a real friend would tell you.” I do prefer your hair darker, however I’ve been reading here long enough to know the story of your hair struggles and totally understand and support your choices. I’m going to give the person who commented the benefit of the doubt that maybe she didn’t know your whole hair saga story? I too would opt for coloring an easy maintenance color than embracing the gray at our age. Keep on keepin’ on and making the best decisions for you.

  13. I continue to be amazed by what people will write to others when they can hide behind a computer/phone screen. I wish people would use the filter “Would you say this to someone if they were standing in front of you? If not, don’t write it.” Excellent response on your part!

  14. So love your blog. Love your content. Love the adorable family life you share with us. I don’t comment often but I so love your positivity and always the series you share with us on “ How I Do”, I have shared with my DIL. You are honest and happy and sincere. I am sorry you have to deal with the negative. Your response was direct and kind. Showing the Love and compassion as our Savior has shown us. Keep on writing …. I am gonna keepmon reading! Be well!

  15. This is why i have been following you for the past 3 years. I live by these words; “I’m not kind to people because they are kind to me, I’m kind to people because i am kind”. Class act. Loved the response & people who speak like that truly are u happy with themselves. I’m so glad you don’t let comments like that rub you the wrong way. Loved the blog post as always!

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