Wheeler Got Her Permit! + New Dress Obsessed!

Another week goes by, another week of milestones!  Wheeler passed her permit test and can now drive with me in the car.  So weird being a passenger!


My parents are in town this weekend to celebrate my sister’s son’s second birthday, so they got to check out Wheeler’s new driving skills.

Love when they come in town!

Stopped by the middle school last week.  Can’t believe Logan will be going here in the Fall!

We had VBS this week and Wheeler and Logan did an awesome job helping lead music.  This is our last year of the kids attending VBS.  Next year they’ll all be volunteers!

This bench shares lots of church memories.

Can’t forget our pic with the Target balls.

Effie and Vaughn had orthodontist appointments this week.  Vaughn had his appointment to get an expander.  Not braces just yet.  Like my necklace?  I was in charge of the necklace station one of the days.  All the little kids were too cute.

Orchids galore at Whole Foods!

Love little one-on-one lunch dates with the kids.  This is one of my favorite salads at SOL.

I know it’s hard to believe that we don’t get out and shop that often, but I do most of my shopping online.  Honestly, we don’t have a lot of spare time to go to stores.  But yesterday, Effie and I had the best time shopping at II Brunettes.  She walked out with this cute outfit.

Sweet Brothers

Eye Cream // Lip Sunscreen // Daily Power Defense

These three have been my faves lately.  Have the best glow!

I shared with y’all that I ordered this dress last week and LOVE it!  I’m wearing a size 4.  It’s pretty true to size, but if you’re between sizes, go down a size.  I could’ve almost done a 2. // Sandals // Sunnies

Hope y’all are having a wonderful weekend!  My sister is in two and we’re headed out on the boat today.  Can’t wait!