All geared up for her first day of performances. Effie performed as Aladdin in her troupe’s performance of Aladdin a few weeks ago. I know I’m a little biased, but it was awesome! Enough that the owner and head of her theater center said in front of their last performance’s sold out crowd that she’s been doing shows since 2004 and this was the best one she’s ever seen from the Junior Troupe. Woohoo!!
It was truly magical! One of her solos was called “Proud of Your Boy” and I still tear up when I hear it. They’d been rehearsing Aladdin since August, but Effie never really practiced much at home. And she wouldn’t let me hear her solo until show time. It was truly amazing! And of course, TEARS!!
Between dropping her off and waiting for the multiple show times, we had lots of fun hanging out downtown for meals and walks. Logan and I got to enjoy some one-on-one at one of his favorite spots, Taco Boy. And yes, he ate all three of those Mexican corns.
It was held at Queen Street Playhouse which is the coolest location. There’s never a bad seat in the house.
Lots of family and friends came out to watch her performance, which made it that much more special.
Wore this dress with this belt.
She loved doing the Meet & Greet after each performance.
This was her breakfast in bed with Wheeler on Sunday morning.
Wheeler insisted on coming to all four performances with me.
So much love! Proud of her confidence and talent!! And truly appreciate everyone who came out to watch her show!
For Effie as Aladdin: Part Two. Continue here.