Wheeler is currently Harry Potter obsessed! I’ll say I grew up watching the movies, but never read any of them. Although I remember one of my sisters flying through all of them at an early age and loving them, I just didn’t get into them too much. I mean the massiveness of the books are overwhelming enough for me. But Wheeler loves them! Not only are we excited to take her to the Harry Potter World at Universal Studios when she finishes all of them, but my favorite classic kids line Boden just came out with a Harry Potter Collection that Nordstrom now carries.
Wheeler’s never really been into fashion and styling herself much, but she was super excited to see these pieces. I was too, knowing she’d love them!
She took a Sorting Hat quiz earlier this year and it put her in the Ravenclaw House, so anything with Ravenclaw on it like this top I knew she’d love. Ravenclaw prizes wit, learning and wisdom. All of the other houses are available too.
I know Boden had fun designing these pieces, this top adorned with a golden snitch. If you’re unfamiliar with Harry Potter, this may all seem a bit foreign to you. But either way, these pieces are such Fall classics with the prettiest colors. I’m so happy that Nordstrom decided to pick up the line!
I had a hard time deciding whether to order the short or tall styles of these fringed boots. They usually get the tall ones, but I figured I’d go with the short ones this year. For fit, they’re pretty true to size.
This shot was Wheeler’s idea. The Gryffindor House is represented by a lion.
Wheeler’s all about comfort when it comes to clothes. Aren’t we all? She loves how soft this dress is!
My girls have been wearing these sandals all summer. They’re great because they’re velcro, leaving more room for comfort to adjust them.
Effie’s little dress is adorned with lots of spells from the books!

All in all, I think this collection is all so cute! It was honestly hard to decide what to order. For more from the Harry Potter Collection, head over here.
Shop below for even more Girls Dresses I’m loving for Fall. Y’all, these are so cute! If you’re having trouble scrolling, try refreshing the page and that should do the trick!
Happy Tuesday!
Thanks to Nordstrom for their partnership on this post.