My BRCA Story Continued

After I shared my story, so many of you reached out with the kindest, heartfelt words and I truly appreciate every single one.  Means so much to me.  I wanted to put a post together here sharing more info and some of your great questions and even more info you shared about the mutation and… Read More

My BRCA Surgeries: Part Three

My plastic surgeon, Jennifer Scwartz with O’Neill Plastic Surgery, explained that the the first surgery was to remove all of my breast tissue and put in implants.  The second would be months later, after seeing how the breasts settled.  Since all of my breast tissue was removed, that wouldn’t give much skin to cover my… Read More

My BRCA Surgeries: Part Two

As for meeting with my gynecologist (Dr. Eleanor Oakman with Roper St. Francis) in early August, she initially scheduled my salpingo-oophorectomy (ovary and tube removal) for 2023, seeing as I’d be going through a lot during this time with the multiple breast surgeries alone.  But I remember calling her back a week later and saying… Read More

My BRCA Surgeries: Part One

After meeting with my breast oncologist (Dr. Megan Baker), oncological gynecologist (Dr. Eleaonor Oakman), and my plastic surgeon (Dr. Jennifer Dixon-Swartz), we scheduled dates for my surgeries.  All of these surgeons were incredible – highly recommend ALL THREE!  The breast surgeon and plastic surgeon scheduled my double mastectomy for mid-August and noted that I’d stay… Read More