Happy Monday, Y’all! Hope y’all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was cold and rainy, so lots of resting and relaxing for us. We did manage to make it to church though, and then headed to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants for lunch. We’ll be back there more often on Sundays now, since we found out Kid’s Eat Free on Sundays! On Friday night, the hubs and W camped out about an hour and a half from here, on my dads’ land, and had the best time (sleeping bags, tent, smores, fishing, campfire…the whole shebang). Not a single complaint from Miss W – such a trooper! Photos to come on Wednesday.
For today’s post, I thought I’d share a Forbes article with you. Moms especially, be my guest to voice your opinions about it.
Every morning my alarm goes off at the same time. Lately it seems that’s when our local radio station announces an update on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman story. In case you have missed it, Trayvon Martin, a black 17-year old in Sanford, Florida was shot and killed in February by George Zimmerman, a member of the neighborhood watch group. Many people think that Zimmerman shot Martin because he was wearing a hoodie, which in Zimmerman’s mind made him look like a character guilty of a crime.
As columnist Sandy Banks wrote in the Los Angeles Times, “somehow the humble hooded sweat shirt has evolved from basic, everyday apparel to a sinister symbol of urban terror.” I lie in bed, thinking about how terrible it is that we have essentially created our own American caste system, or social order, based largely on appearance.
Then I go about my day, which includes dropping off my daughter at school. At schools around the country, a line of cars pull up, and the working moms frantically inventory homework, coat, gym shoes, overdue library books, and launch each child out the door.
The stay-at-home moms, or the “Lululemon moms” as the working moms in my community often call them, seem just a bit calmer. Of course, not all of them wear Lululemon workout gear–in fact a lot of them might not even be able to afford $95 or so for yoga pants. Still, the reference to the “Lululemon mom” has become short-hand for what many working moms incorrectly assume to be a certain kind of person.
In reality, I don’t know anything about their lives except that they get to wear comfortable clothing when I am dressed for the office. I imagine that they are going off to exercise class (likely Pilates) which, with a personal trainer can sculpt your body to look like you did before motherhood, and if I had time, before I spent 20 years sitting at a desk staring at a computer monitor.
We imagine that exercise is followed by coffee with other Lululemon moms, some sort of grooming appointment (eyebrow wax, a visit to the hair salon, or a manicure–something working moms have to do on Saturday morning, if at all), followed by lunch with another mom.
Somewhere in there they attend a PTA meeting or some sort of charitable or neighborhood committee, or bake something for a bake sale. These are all things that contribute to our community. But admittedly a lot of working moms just don’t have time for such activities and leave it to the stay-at-homers, assuming they can much more easily schedule volunteer work.
How much further from the truth could this be than the assumption that a kid in a hoodie is guilty of a crime? Yes, some criminals may wear hoodies, and some moms wearing Lululemon may lead the life I imagine. But one of the biggest financial crimes in history was committed by Bernie Madoff, who when he wasn’t wearing a suit, sported tennis togs or golf attire – no hoodie there. And in fact, one of the moms in my daughter’s class drops her children off in Lululemon, but her next stop is the hospital, where she changes into surgical scrubs for her day as a prominent physician.
A lot of those moms may wish they were employed outside the home but can’t find a job, or can’t find one that would pay more than the childcare they would inevitably have to compensate someone else to perform. Or maybe they are in an abusive marriage with someone who controls them, won’t let them work, and belittles them if their body fat gets higher than that of a supermodel.
I thought of all this when the news broke recently about Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen’s comment that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.”
I don’t know Ann Romney, but as a working mom, I don’t know how she found the time to raise five children. And by the way, Ann Romney has multiple sclerosis. Her life sure sounds a lot harder than going to an office, where someone else makes the coffee, and I know my daughter is well cared for by a nanny that is the closest thing to Mary Poppins in the 21st century.
As a Democrat, I am simply embarrassed by that comment. Rightly distancing himself from Hilary Rosen, President Obama came to Ann Romney’s defense, and the defense of all stay-at-home moms, saying that “there’s no tougher job than being a mom. . . Anybody who would argue otherwise, I think, probably needs to rethink their statement.” I am proud to have a president who is in touch with his constituents, regardless of political party or appearances.
I also feel privileged to have the job that I do and the ability to hire a nanny. Frankly, I don’t have the skills to raise five children.
We all have moments when we would gladly trade in our day for someone else’s. After days in mediation, or struggling to write a brief only to lose it when my computer crashes, I fantasize about life in Lululemon. But I also know that when my husband was sick and on long-term medical disability, if it weren’t for my job, we wouldn’t have been able to afford that portion of his treatment not covered by insurance. Without my job, if we had paid for everything out of pocket, we likely would have lost our home, and our daughter would have had to be pulled out of the private school that connected us to a community of stay-at-home moms who cooked for us during the darkest months.
During the worst years of his illness, which I have largely blocked from my mind, I did have a pair of Lululemon yoga pants. I was wearing them when I took my husband to the emergency room at 2 a.m., and for the next three days while he was in intensive care, following emergency surgery to eliminate the cause of his 105.7 degree temperature. I never wanted to see those pants again following that ordeal, only because of the memories they provoked. But dang, they were a comfortable way to get through 72 hours of Hell.
If I were a stay-at-home mom, I would live in daily terror that my husband’s cancer would come out of remission and we would lack the resources to manage the costs. Lululemon couldn’t reduce that terror.
We each need to eliminate the caste system we have created in our heads based, in great part, on what people wear. We need to understand that clothing means very little.
None of us lead the lives our appearance suggests. We each lie in bed at night with our personal terrors as to what life could be, or about what life is like right now, and whether we have the strength to get through it. Clothes and money rarely can make that go away.
Yesterday, I went shopping for a new suit for work. I tried on a fabulous looking ensemble that felt like I was wearing a cross between Spanx (a company run by Sara Blakely, a working mom who just joined the Forbes Billionaires list) and really comfortable pajamas. I asked the saleswoman what made this work outfit feel so good. Her answer: “We bought our fabric for that line from the Lululemon factory.”
IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)…
You never know another woman’s story, therefore there’s no reason you should judge them. No matter how well you think you may know them, there could be an underlying issue they’re dealing with. In my opinion, worry about yourself, and remember the real reason we were each made (in His image) and why we were put here on this Earth.
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Luke 6:37
If you weren’t a lucky winner in the Southern Nest Monogram Giveaway. You have another chance to win a wooden monogram! Monograms and Manicures is hosting a Southern Nest giveaway, that starts today. Good luck!
Okay, I’ve never done a video on here before, so please bear with me. Hope this works! It’s a clip I took last night of W (3 1/2) saying the Lord’s Prayer before bed.
Your humble opinion is well stated! I completely agree. Have a wonderful week!
In full agreement on your comment below the article. You just never know!
i think this raises a very good point, namely just because you are wearing a lacoste polo, carrying a LV bag, or in this case wearing lululemon that your world is perfect. In fact, i think it is a far out reach to define perfection on appearance.
great article! and that video is so sweet! what a smart little girl 🙂 (and adorable)
Great article! I have had the pleasure of being a stay at home mom and a working mom. I loved both positons and found them both challenging. Life is challenging for everybody. I think the tragedy of the debate is how quickly women turn against women. I always felt we should support each other, hold each other up…as I stated earlier….life is challenging for everybody! My daughters, 18 and 21, have turned out great. I think we are better for the experiences. I like that old adage – bloom where you are planted! Make the best of your situation. PS> your daughter is adorable and brilliant! Enjoy!
I don't know. Maybe I missed something, but it doesn't seem like she respects stay at home moms at all. It seems like she's merely saying, "don't judge a book by its cover because a)maybe the lady in lululemon isn't actually a stay at home mom, or b) pity them, because they are screwed if anything ever happens to their husband."
I think this article is full of things to think about. I have four little cuties (ages 6, 5, 3, & 2) that I am lucky enough to stay home with. I agree with your opion completely. People should worry about their lives, unless they are asked for help from others. It is also sad to think about how much is assumed based on looks, Could this be a cause of clothiers covering their product in horrendously huge labels, causing people who maybe can't afford to buy the product in the first place to spend the money in order to flaunt the label to try to give a "certain impression about their possible lifestyle".