Monday Manners: Proper Southern Manners

I found this important info below, here, and completely agree with it.  The wording is pretty comical.  Hope y’all enjoy it too:

Make no mistake about it, manners matter in Dixie! Good manners make life more pleasant for everyone. Good manners are what make Southerners different from those who aren’t from here. You cannot take good manners too seriously in the South.

The Fundamentals of Good Manners

These five fundamentals should set you in good stead.  Good manners are extended to everybody, regardless of whether you know them, on which side of town they live, or whether they tithe.

Be Humble: Others first, yourself last. Self-denial and deference to others (“After you”) are the cornerstone of good manners, acting selfish or uppity is not. This commandment is indisputably rooted in the Bible Belt theology (“the first shall be last, and the last shall be first”).

Be Courteous: Remember the Golden Rule. Go out of your way to be helpful and kind to everyone you encounter.

Behave Yourself: Don’t be uncouth, rude, brash, loud, coarse, or cause a commotion in public. Only trashy types do such things…..and obviously this is because they weren’t raised to know better.

Be Friendly: Put your friendliest foot forward, whether you’ve been properly introduced or don’t know the person from a hole in the ground. Be sociable and neighborly, just like you learned in Sunday School (“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”).

Be Modest: Never be highfalutin’. Practice modesty in all situations. “Why, shucks, I guess I was in the right place at the right time” would work just fine upon learning that you had won the Pulitzer Prize. “Of course I won it, I deserve to” would absolutely categorize you as too big for your britches.
Photo Credit: 1


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  If you watched the Derby, it was a great one!  Go Super Saver!  Unfortunately, after celebrating my sister’s birthday on Friday, we spent the rest of the weekend resting at home.

This is all I saw of my 5K on Saturday morning…just the running packet, and we had to miss the Derby party we were supposed to attend on Saturday afternoon, as well.  Poor W got sick on Friday.  Thankfully, she is much better now, has her appetite back, and is back to her normal self.  Here are some pics from Friday with my family.  In the first photo of my mom and W, you can tell W isn’t feeling her normal self.

Before (minus one sister, we missed you, MC!)


The Hubs and E
Praying that sweet, little E doesn’t get what W got.

Hope everyone has a great start to the work week, and stay tuned for my giveaway.  
I’ll announce the details tomorrow.

27 thoughts on “Monday Manners: Proper Southern Manners

  1. Bummer about the little one being sick! Love the picture of you and your sisters you're all absolutely gorgeous! Love love your new side picture of you and the girls! So cute!


  2. I love your manners post! The girls look so cute! Sorry you missed the Derby party, but there's always next year!

    You are such a sweetheart! Thanks for you sweet comment. It will be fabulous next year, I'm super excited! I am happy to share where I'm going, etc just email me ( Hope you have a great day!

  3. Your camera takes such good pictures…mine look awful compared to yours! Wish you could have raced with us…definitely next time! Love you!

  4. Oh my goodness, your poor Momma and Daddy having to pay for all those big beautiful weddings…Haha! That was actually Bret's first thought after we discovered we'd be having a girl! Y'all are too cute! Great manners post, so true here in the South! Have a good Monday!

  5. "Because they weren't raised to know better", was a phrased that I heard often from my mother. Great tips!
    Btw, lovely family pics.

  6. Love the manners post! Manners are so important!

    Gorgeous family pictures…so sorry to hear W got sick! Hope she's feeling better. Poor thing definitely looks like she feels yucky in that pic!

  7. I could not agree more that manners matter! Such a great post. I hope your sweet little W is feeling better!
    (And I completely caved and ended up ordering TWO pairs of Bonannos (a moment of shopping weakness) – one silver and one gold. I figured they were classics that I can wear with anything! Can't wait for them to arrive!)

  8. I love the manners post!! How often people forget their manners…
    Your pictures are so beautiful. The babies are darling. I hope that W gets better soon.
    I love the picture of the sisters!! Such a beautiful family!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    XOXO- Vy

  9. Haha I love it! Have you ever read "A Southern Belle Primer: Or Why Princess Margaret Will Never Be A Kappa Kappa Gamma?" It's right up your alley!

  10. Terrific post – I do so wish we had more Southern charm up here in the North… I hope youe sweet little girl is feeling better real soon! Wonderful pictures too!

  11. So sorry you had to miss your run and party 🙁 Glad the little one is feeling better though! Loved these manners – so true! Hope your day is a good one… ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

  12. Love your list and the pics. I was just thinking today that the kids who work at Chic-fil-A are the nicest and most polite I have ever come across. (Yes, I must admit to a spicy chick sandwich and lemonade today, but don't tell anyone). I thought this must be a southern chain because no one here says, 'Yes, ma'am'. It was about as refreshing as my drink! 🙂 xoxo

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